One Step to a Brighter Future


On October 22nd, I received some very exciting news - I was selected into the Kids N Culture program and would be traveling to Tanzania as an ambassador for 10 days in April!

Once all the Kids N Culture students arrived in Tanzania, we visited a local school where our goal was to interact with the students and the village people and to reconstruct and paint one of their school buildings.  Every morning I would wake up, full of energy and joy seeing the beautiful little kids and their beautiful smiles. The village people have very little, yet they are so happy and welcoming. One day, while I was conversing with the chef he told me that day was the first time they had rice in very long time, usually their meals consist of stiff porridge and beans sauce. It was eye opening in so many ways.

That very same day, I was shocked again - students tend not to learn in the rainy or winter months as much as they do in the summer. The reason - lighting. The school has no electricity, so they rely on the sun for classroom lighting. In those dark months, it’s not possible for the little ones to learn. When the days are shorter and the nights are longer, the older students do not have any lights to continue their studies for upcoming exams.  In an effort to continue their classes, the school teachers would try to gather as many lanterns as possible from their neighbors in order to continue teaching. Thanks to LuminAID, this year they have nothing to worry about other than making sure they do not forget to leave them under the sun. With just one simple click of a button they will have an abundance of light.

It was amazing as a student who wants to own his own business one day to see a company like LuminAID giving back to a community with greater need. LuminAID graciously allowed Kids N Culture students to bring a case of PackLite 12 lights - one for each classroom at the Nhsara Ufundi Primary School.

I was one of the ambassadors that had the pleasure of explaining how to the use the PackLite 12.  I can honestly say that was one of my most memorable moments in life; to witness something we take for granted bringing so much joy and hope for a whole community. When the lights turned on, every smile in that room lit up. There were songs and dances of joy around the table that lasted for minutes. The gratitude was unlike anything I had ever witnessed, and it empowered me to find that type of meaning in everything I do. That moment in my life is priceless and beautiful.

In the future I would like to become a nurse and join the international nursing program to help countries around the world and try to make a difference. Like LuminAID did by providing Kids N Culture with solar panel lights to give to Nhsara Ufundi Primary School, I too want to bring the light I can offer to parts of the world that need it the most. And sure, maybe it’s not a spotlight, but even if a few lives are taken out of the darkness, I think I can call that a life well spent. So that’s my challenge - share your light with the world. You will surprise more than just yourself.
